Whiles reading through series of whatsapp messages this morning from my office group chat, I chanced on a wonderful piece a good friend (Mr. Hayford Kumah) sent. It's so touching that i couldn't keep it to myself. I pray and hope that you get inspired as you read through each line.
"No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."
(2 Timothy 2:4)
Dear Friend,
You and I have been called to live the high life in Christ Jesus, not to be tied down to this natural realm. But all too often, instead, we allow ourselves to become tangled in the temporary affairs of this world. We allow those entanglements to drag us into defeat. Don't let that happen to you. Simplify your life. If you don't have time for God, make time. Don't let your career, your family or anything else keep you from going on with God. One thing I can promise you is that every part of your life will be more blessed if you take time to listen to God. Nothing you can do is better than hearing from heaven. Before I consider taking on any new activity, I always ask myself, Can I afford this? Not can I afford it financially, but can I afford it spiritually? Can I give time to this activity and still keep my priority time with God? If not, I can't afford it. There's only one thing you absolutely can't afford to do without-and that's your time spent in prayer and in the Word of God. It is your very life. It is where your victory lies. You may forget that, but Satan never does. He'll constantly be sending time-stealers your way. So be alert and don't become entangled in them. Remember to ask yourself, "Can I afford this?" Then simplify your life. Make the time you spend with God your first priority every day.
Scripture Study: 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Today's Devotion
Topic: The Beans Stew Verses The Birthright!
Text: Gen 25: 29- 34
29 Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. 30 He said to Jacob, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!” (That is why he was also called Edom.) 31 Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.”32 “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?” 33 But Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob. 34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.So Esau despised his birthright. Amen
Hunger is not a thing to joke with. It makes mighty men look weak and feeble. They take decisions and make compromises that they later regret. The only thing that satisfies a hunger is food, food and more food. Birthright on the other hand, is a special privilege given by God for inheritance. In the days of old, it was a privilege reserved for first born sons to inherit the "Abrahamic" blessings from their fathers. In this new testament era, it is the privilege of our new birth in Christ. That is, the privilege to inherit all the Abrahamic blessings because we have been born again in Christ.
Food may be so important to the hungry man but the birthright of a believer is more precious. It makes us heirs of the Father and joint heirs with Jesus. Unfortunately, most of us gladly trade this glorious privilege of partaking in the divine nature of God here on earth for food, food and more food.
We compromise at work, school and even at home just to satisfy our greed. We lie, steal and cheat our way through everything just to get more than enough to satisfy hunger. Each time we despise our birthright in Christ, we deny ourselves the blessings and inheritance that comes with it as well. Yet, it is this blessing (of the Lord) that makes us rich and He adds no sorrow to it. No wonder our whole living has been reduced to the slogan " hand to mouth".
So the next time you feel tempted to trade godliness for that which satisfies physical hunger, remember there's a higher calling than that. A place in Christ where we get to inherit all that the Father has provided for our living here on earth, with eternal life granted as bonus.
Food is not everything precious one, give your life to Christ- be born of the Water, Spirit & the blood and inherit all that pertains to righteousness, that automatically USHERES YOU INTO THE ABUNDANCE OF GOD. Begin to pray now. Don't live for your stomach alone, live for eternity- choose God, not food!
(www.yonghana.org, like our Facebook page: Y OUTREACH NETWORK)
Dag Heward-Mills
READ: 1 Samuel 2:12-17,22-25;3:12-13
He, that being often
reproved hardeneth his
neck, shall suddenly be
Proverbs 29:1
A stubborn person is prone to falling away. If you know a stubborn Christian who does not heed counsel, but will always do what he wants to do in spite of all advice, you are looking at a potential backslider "The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways..."(Proverbs 14:14).
Often I would counsel Christians, and find at the end of the session that they are still set in their ways. They are bent on doing their own thing. Everybody needs advice. The Bible says there is safety in the multitude of counsel.
"Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished" (Ecclesiastes 4:13).
I remember counselling a young lady not to continue in a certain unhealthy relationship. I asked, "What makes you different from the other girls he has thrown away? He has had 17 girlfriends, and you are the 18th. The only difference between you and the others is that you are new to him. But one day you will become 'old' just
like the others. And he will then throw you away." In spite of this admonition, she persisted in her ways. Is there anybody who was mightily blessed by God although he was stubborn and rebellious? Never! Stubbornness to God, to His Word, to His pastors and to biblical counsel is a sign that backsliding is imminent.
"...for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." (1 Sam. 16:7, KJV) Throughout history people have used many ways to identify themselves as Christians. Sometimes it is the sign of a fish with ‘JESUS’ inside it; other times it is a cross either around ones neck or hanging somewhere. Many wear robes, collars and special clothes. But is that all that there is to being dedicated to God and living a dedicated life?
God has a better way for a believer to identify himself. To be a Christian is to be recognized not only by what you believe and profess but also by how you live. A true Christian, who is committed to Christ, should readily be recognized by what they do.True Christians do not necessarily need a "Jesus loves me" t-shirt or the sign of a cross to let people know they are children of God. How does God see your heart? What defines you? DA@TWD...Inspiring Hope www.facebook.com/ TrueWorshipersDevotional